Jesus Christ calls us to be a faith community that nurtures people in spiritually transforming relationships with God, others, and all creation. Accepting the vast freedom and diversity within our congregation, most members share these basic beliefs:
- GOD- revealed in many ways, in creation, in scripture, in human experience, but most clearly in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- CHRIST- The Son of God, part of God’s own divinity; yet fully human, having shared life as we know it. Christ is Emmanuel, God with us. Christ came for us and gave himself for us.
- HOLY SPIRIT- The Spirit of Christ, the power of God working with and among us, inspiring us toward love, justice, peace and unity.
- THE BIBLE- A guide for Christian living and faith, revealing God’s intent for the world in Jesus Christ.
- BAPTISM- The sign of our acceptance of God’s abiding grace in Jesus Christ. Practiced by immersion for those mature enough to decide for themselves. Upholding “open membership”, we receive those baptized by other methods.
- THE LORDS SUPPER- Celebrated each Sunday as the central focus of our worship. It is a service of remembrance, of thanksgiving and of dedication. Practicing “open Communion”, all who call on the name of Christ are invited to participate.
- INCLUSIVE MINISTRY- Ordained clergy carry out many of the ministerial functions, but all members are called to ministry and are entitled to interpret the scriptures and perform church functions.
- ECUMENICAL- We work cooperatively with all Christian communions, locally, nationally, and worldwide.