At Southern Hills, we organize our ministries around our core values. Ministry opportunities can be found within the multiple committees under each core value as follows:
Worship – The value that provides substance and meaning to our ministries and that strengthens our relationship with God, others and the world is found around the Lord’s Table as we engage in spiritually enriching, meaningful and inspirational worship experiences.
Committees related to this core value are:
- Worship Committee
- Membership Committee
Deepening Spirituality – We affirm that our journey must be shaped by the depth of our relationship to God found through Jesus Christ and by the love and compassion we have for others. We commit ourselves to deepening these relationships through continuous study, prayer, meditation and interaction with others.
Committees related to this core value are:
- Adult Education
- Young Adults
- Stewardship
- Evangelism
Koinonia – We offer a depth of hospitality where persons from differing ideological, theological, cultural, social and racial backgrounds can experience true Christian community and engage in experiences where each can grow spiritually and intellectually through meaningful dialogue with those having different lie and faith experiences.
Committees related to this core value are:
- Fellowship
- Youth Council
- Children’s Council
- Bereavement
Serving Others – As a congregation we are blessed with the abundance of god’s graces and gifts and accept our responsibility to share that abundance with those less fortunate than we in meaningful, significant and expanding ways.
Committees related to this core value are:
- Outreach
- Disciples Men
- Disciples Women
- Stephen’s Ministry
- Environmental Stewardship